Shaklee for Your Total Environment of Health

Shaklee: for your Total Environment of Health

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A Company that DESERVES your support.
Earth, Animal & People Friendly products, policies & actions

The Nation's FIRST Certified "Climate Neutral" Company: we have offset all of our greenhouse gas emissions

Shaklee has never, ever tested on animals.

100% guarantee on all our products: besides doing our own testing on the raw ingredients we use (for purity, strength and absence of toxins), we have our products tested by colleges, universities, and other independent laboratores to prove that they do what we say they do.

The results are over 90 peer-reviewed articles on Shaklee products in medical and professional journals.  Science you can count on.

Even the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) says we all need to be taking a multi-vitamin.  Most multi-vitamins are a waste of your money.
Why not take one that is bio-available (actually WORKS in the body)?
Shaklee's Vita Lea: clinically tested by independent clinical studies to go where it's suppose to go and do what it's suppose to do.

Shaklee's Vita Lea

Want to know the truth about pain pills (even Tylenol) and what they do to your body?

Want to know of an effective and safe way to deal with your pain?

Pain Relief

Do you know that Indoor Air Pollution is 5 - 100 times greater than outdoor air pollution?  The EPA is warning us that our homes are toxic.  Here's something you can do about it without spending $1,500 to ,000 for a system that's not really all that effective.

Indoor Air Purification: quiet, effective, reasonably priced

Shaklee's new skin care and repair products have been granted 9 patents by the U.S. Patent Office.  Independent clinical studies have shown that these products actually reverse the signs of aging.  Cosmetic companies around the world are attempting to get Shaklee's secrets - but we won't share.  We've done the science and we have the independent clinical studies to prove that what we have works.

Skin Care & Repair - the Shaklee way:

When you know that you need more than just a multi-vitamin, here's Shaklee's answer:

Highly recommended for Optimal Health

Powerful cleaners that are highly effective on virtually every surface in your home. Yet they're gentle to the environment.

Earth Friendly Products by Shaklee


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